The Antifungal Phase One Diet. 
The Antifungal Phase One Diet. 

The Antifungal Phase One Diet. 

The Initial Phase One Diet

Follow this for the first 2 weeks.
The ‘Phase Two Diet’ is here.

Food GroupsFoods that are ALLOWED:Foods that are EXCLUDED:
 1.  Sugar NoneAll sugars should be excluded
2.  Artificial or herbal sweetenersStevia, Stevia PlusAspartame, saccharin, acesulfame k, sucralose, all others.
3.  Fruit(2 servings a day)(1)Green apples, berries, grapefruit, avocados, lemons, limes.(1)All others
4.  Meat(2)Fish, poultry, beef, venison etc.(2)Breaded meats
5.  EggsYes, yolk intactNone excluded
6.  Dairy Products (3)Yogurt (including goat yogurt), cream cheese, unsweetened whipping cream, sour cream made with real cream, butter (ghee is better)All others, including margarine and any butter substitutes.
7.  VegetablesFresh vegetables, fresh vegetables juiced.
Stay away from root vegetables for now.
Potatoes, yams, other root vegetables, legumes (beans and peas)
8.  BeveragesBottled or filtered water, non-fruity herbal teas, fresh lemonade with Stevia.Coffee and tea (including decaf), Sodas (including diet sodas)
9.  GrainsNonePasta, rice, corn, wheat, quinoa, amaranth, millet, buckwheat,oats, barley.
10. Yeast ProductsNoneAll, including bread, mushrooms, pastries, and alcoholic beverages.
11. VinegarsUnpasteurized apple cider vinegar, 
black olives not aged in vinegar
Pickles, salad dressings(4), green olives
12. OilsCoconut, Olive, Grapeseed, Flax seed, etc.
Use extra virgin cold-pressed when available.
Partially-hydrogenated oils, corn and peanut oil
13. NutsRaw nuts, including pecans, almonds, walnuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds,sunflower seedsPeanuts and ALL peanut products) and pistachios areexcluded

Notes on the diet:

  1. In reality try to limit these as much as possible for the first two weeks.
  2. Meat is best grass fed and wild/line caught fish is preferable. This means avoiding farm-raised fish.
  3. Dairy products are better if from grass-fed cattle. Good yogurt products: Lidls Greek Style Yogurt. Whipping cream is liquid, unsweetened heavy cream.
  4. Excluded because they are fermented. You can make a lovely french dressing with the Raw cider vinegar and olive oil with a spoon of mustard (‘French’s mustard’ is one of the few with no added sugar, I use this or ‘Grey Poupon dijon mustard’).

Note: Organically grown vegetables are preferable. Meat, eggs, and yogurt should be from animal sources not injected or fed with antibiotics, hormones or steroids, nor fed silo-stored grains, as a result Venison is a good meat to use as it is rarely anything but wild and grass fed.

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